It's long been said that “dog is man's best friend,” and many people feel that way
about their family pets. They are so attached to their pets, in fact, that they
frequently take them along with them in the car—and it's not just a ride to the vet.
They're taking dogs to dog parks, day care and even play dates with other dogs.
This is all well and good, until one thinks about the distraction that having a dog
in the car brings.
A survey of drivers who
travel with their dogs
showed that drivers admit
to petting their dogs;
using hands or arms
to hold dogs in place while
braking; using hands to
keep dogs from climbing
into the front seat; allowing
dogs to sit on their lap;
and feeding dogs treats
while driving. In addition
to the driving distraction
that Bowzer presents when he is a passenger in the car is the safety hazard. In an
accident, Bowzer becomes a flying missile, injuring himself and others as he
bounces around the car. In an abrupt stop, Bowzer will keep moving at the speed
the car was traveling. Take a 40-pound dog moving at 60 miles an hour, and the
physics of the situation get ugly. The driver, passengers and Bowzer may all be
Remember that as far as insurance is concerned, Bowzer is personal property,
so the Auto policy med pay doesn't cover injuries to Bowzer, and the Homeowner's
policy doesn't cover animals. Some carriers are now offering coverage for animals
traveling in cars. One carrier's limit is $2,000; however, if you've ever taken an
animal to an emergency vet, you know that $2,000 may not be enough to treat all
of Bowzer's injuries.
But all is not lost. A visit to most pet stores will provide you with a safety harness
for your furry friend. While there aren't any laws that Bowzer must be buckled up,
if you buckle up yourself and your family, you may as well buckle up Bowzer.
Buckle Up Bowzer
At Huff Insurance we care about all member's in your family, even those furry one.
Call us to see what options are available for the other part of your family.

Story by; Christine G. Barlow, FC&S Online.